The odes, presented on facing pages, Spanish on the left, English on the right, are about all sorts of ordinary things: table, bed, chair, dog, cat, bar of soap, socks, bread, onion, tomato; all of them with accompanying pencil drawings.
Here is one passage from from the middle section of "Ode to the Dictionary":
Dictionary, you are notAnd, by way of another example, a segment for "Ode to the Spoon":
a grave, a tomb, or a coffin,
neither sepulchre nor mausoleum:
you are preservation,
hidden fire,
field of rubies,
vital continuity
of essence,
language's granary.
And it is a beautiful thing,
to pluck from your columns
the precise, the noble
or the harsh,
Spain's offspring
like the blade of a plow,
secure in its role
of outmoded tool,
in its precise beauty
and its medallion-toughness.
Also that other
the one that slipped
between the lines
but popped suddenly,
deliciously into the mouth,
smooth as an almond,
or tender as a fig.
in an
tiny hand
you raise
to his mouth
the earth's
silent heritage
of the first water to sing
on lips that later lay
buried beneath the sand.
This is beautiful stuff: the poems, and the pictures. And I find them both encouraging because they are what they are, nothing more. The pictures, like the poems, celebrate simplicity, and celebrate with simplicity. (There's also a companion volume entitled Odes to Opposites...)
So I have been drawing my forks.
And if there is a thing called humor in the universe...i have a sense of shaking my head with a smile.
Yesterday I was thanking my friend Susan for sending me a Neruda children's book( written on his early life and quite profound ) Go Singing Through the World. It's an incredible book but I gave it to a young teacher I work with who has just miscarried again. Neruda she said to me one day is her favorite writer.And I spontaneously wanted to give it to her, as I think now she is facing not being able to have children. A girl with a heart of love to give. And Neruda would speak to her, no?
So I was telling my friend Susan of how her gift to me had now to go to Abbe to help her with a tough time and here comes a circle back to me. That's a very amazing connection.
This is very meaningful on many levels, as I do value greatly the beauty of everyday things in a life.
And I put some pictures on this flickr thing to try to see if I could put art up that way. After I make a set of drawings I'll post them, inspired by your photos and now I see by these beautiful illustrations and poems. Thank you.
I had not considered this, my lovely pieces of silver. And the things I seem to love like these to have around. But I have longed to go work in pencil.What a poet he is.I'll go get this book.
I ordered this, it's wonderful.Thank you.
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